sapphire + SOUL podcast
Hello Beautiful Souls!! This is a place for us to talk about what we’re doing every day to raise our vibration and understand ourselves more deeply as energetic beings and co-creators.
Sapphire+SOUL Podcast is where we navigate this human experience and raise our planetary frequency collectively. Together we heal, grow, expand and activate our own inner light and energetic blueprint. We alchemize old programming to look outside of ourselves. A process of remembering, we awaken that innate & ancient wisdom that resides deeply within each one of us, unlocking our fullest potential.
The conversations here strive to develop interconnectedness, gratitude, peacefulness, and ultimately the manifestation of a life you truly love and want to live.
I’m Elizabeth Gere –Intuitive guide, Empowerment coach, Energy alchemist, Ayurvedic Wisdom keeper & your host for this soul expansive journey. My mission is to empower our community, to design the lives they truly desire– through mindfulness, energetic healing & clear intention.
Each week we will explore topics centered around spirituality, manifestation, holistic psychology, healing, and all things mystical.

Sapphire + SOUL
Welcome to SAPPHIRE + SOUL! We talk all things spirituality, mind, body + space wellness, and how to manifest a life of bliss that your SOUL was destined to live. Elizabeth brings her trademark depth+presence to weekly sit-downs with spiritual entrepreneurs, artists, and leaders in a format that encourages conscious introspection and self-reflection. This is a space dedicated to illuminating the often unseen aspects of wellness, intuitive + conscious business, and beyond. We’ll be on air with special guests engaging in deep conversations, riffing on all things mysticism and intuition, and providing practical information to help you connect with your most intuitive self.
The conversations here strive to develop interconnectedness, gratitude, peacefulness, and ultimately the manifestation of a life you truly love and want to live.
We'll be discussing ...

Do you ever feel depleted and struggle with protecting your energy around others? After a wild first half of 2022, this current season has led to many conversations about how much energy management and energetic hygiene is absolutely vital now in so many ways.
In this episode of Sapphire + SOUL Podcast we're sharing how to 'Manage + Protect your Energy', so you can be sure you're moving forward with a full cup, to be of the best possible service to others.